Acquainted with Quarantine
Welcome to the Quarantine Character Zine, a multifandom fanzine based in a modern au in which BNHA, KNY, Avatar: the Last Airbender, and Haikyuu characters face the same predicament we do: quarantine.
✦ Orders are sent! Contact us on our socials if you have any questions! Thank you! ✦
All proceeds will be donated to the nonprofit Partners in Health.
✦ Donation Proof ✦
Contributors will be asked to create a full piece of their designated franchise. The theme is modern quarantine, so staying within these parameters is important. Anything related to positivity, staying safe, protected, and living during this time is relevant and encouraged! Draw two or three characters laughing during a call, or your favorite side character dancing in the mirror, or even sitting down and eating dinner with family. The focus of the zine is coping with, or acquainting yourself, with the complications of quarantine, and how we can stay positive and encourage self-care.
This zine is strictly SFW. No inappropriate content that can be labelled as NSFW is allowed. Incest, pedophilia, or anything of the sort is also not allowed in any case.
Romantic relationships are not the main focus of the zine, therefore anything heavily implying romance is not allowed. You may draw/write about characters you ship and canon ships in the same piece, but concentrate more on their friendly support rather than how you interpret their romance. Don’t let your view on a certain relationship skew the motto, which is about support through hard times during this quarantine.
Let’s focus our energy on the support we can give each other as a community!
May 4 - May 28 : Interest Check & Fandom Choice Form
June 2 : Fandoms Announced
June 3 - June 26 : Moderator Applications
July 8 : Moderators Chosen & Result Emails sent
July 10 - August 6 : Contributor Applications
August 12 : Contributors Chosen & Result Emails sent
August 18 - 24 : Idea Check
September 18 - 20 : First Check-in
October 10 - 12 : Second Check-in
October 29 - November 4 : Final Submissions Due
November 20 : Preorders Open
January 5 : Preorders Close
*Schedule is subject to change at any time
Q: What is the QuaraChara Zine?
A: The QuaraChara Zine is the Quarantine Character Zine dedicated to depicting our favorite fictional characters in modern-day quarantine!
Q: Will this be a digital or physical zine?
A: The zine will be a PDF ONLY zine to ensure that all contributors and buyers will receive a zine, since shipping is unpredictable in our current situation and so that the raised money can reach the charities sooner.
Q: Is this a charity or for-profit zine?
A: All proceeds will be donated to charity. We will be donating to Partners in Health!
Their Mission: To provide a preferential option for the poor in health care. Through work in Haiti, Africa, Peru, Mexico, and Navajo Nation, we strive to bring the benefits of modern medical science to those most in need of them and to serve as an antidote to despair.
Q: Which four fandoms are in the zine?
A: Boku no Hero Academia, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Avatar: the Last Airbender, & Haikyuu are the four fandoms in the zine!
Q: Why are there only four fandoms allowed in the zine?
A: Going 100% multifandom, in other words allowing everyone to chose whatever fandom they'd like, would be extremely chaotic and disorganized. With the amount of interest so far, we do want to be as inclusive as possible so people can enjoy the zine, but the mods can only handle so much. We do understand that not everyone will be interested in every or any of the fandoms we ultimately decide on, and if that is the case, please do not pressure yourself into applying; we don't want anyone to have a zine experience that is anything less than fun and enjoyable for themselves.
Q: Will contributors receive a free copy?
A: Yes, all contributors will receive a free PDF of the zine!
Q: When I apply, do I need examples of specific fandoms? How should I prepare my portfolio?
A: Artists and writers can apply with any art/writing, whether it be BNHA content or KNY content or anything else!
Q: Are ships allowed?
A: Anything heavily implying romance is discouraged to ensure that the main focus of the zine is about building healthy communities and giving support. This includes both canon and non-canon ships.
Q: Am I allowed to apply for more than one position?
A: Yes, you may but please keep in mind you will be accepted for only one of the positions.
Meet the Mods


All submitted pieces must be completed. At least one should have a background beyond single colors.We require at least one of your pieces to include people.We do not require any art from any specific fandom. You can apply with anything SFW!
The word limit for applications is 5K per sample (the word count for the zine is 2.5K).Correct usage of grammar, language, and spelling.We do not require any work from any specific fandom.We will not accept NSFW works as samples, as this will be a SFW zine.
All submitted pieces must be completed.We do not require any art from any specific fandom. You can apply with anything SFW!If you have made merch in previous zines or in general, feel free to include those as samples and/or in your portfolio.